Saturday, January 26, 2013

The Ranch-Peanut Butter Theory

I know I havent blogged since LAST YEAR and I realize that is so selfish of myself, depriving y'all from the all ready limited insights you get into my genius mind. I've been kind of busy lately. From my weeping over the series finale of Fringe( I watched it twice to make sure it was actually over) to crushing all 3 seasons of Arrested Development, recently acquiring 8 seasons of Friends and restarting Dr. Who with my friend Emily. Clearly I have been a social butterfly. Oh also I saw Les Miserables 3 whole times. Cried each time too. I keep meaning to make a post about my Bingo hall adventures with my friend Jack, but I just don't feel like it. If you are reading this jack, I'll write it one day, preferably the day I actually win something. Now its time for the reason I wrote this entire post in the first place. My theory. It is a valid theory, that makes a lot of sense if you just think about it. To my knowledge, it has a positive reaction to roughly 96.5% of all foods consumed by the average american.
Now I know you have a vague idea what the heck I am talking about, and now I shall elaborate on this little spurt of pure genius I had about a year ago. Any food that doesnt go with Ranch, will go with peanut butter.
Take a minute for that to digest. Process it through your mind. Now you are trying to come up with a food that breaks this rule, but they are hard to come by. My dad immediately retorted back "bananas" and then he remembered that bananas taste amazing with PB. My mom said "kiwi" and kiwi would probably taste disgusting with either choice, and so would any other more bizarre fruit or noodle dish. But for the most part, its either or. Pancakes? PB. Celery? psshhh both. Pizza? Ranch, duh. nuggets? ranch. Goldfish? either. oreos? PB, no question. Some foods might not need ranch, per say, but could definitely not taste inedible with it. I seriously think this theory should be studied and tested in some food lab at some university, and then published in a fancy food magazine. But that is just me. I thought you guys would like to know of my little theory, so you're welcome, and tell your friends. good night xoxox

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