Tuesday, November 6, 2012

My terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day

Remember in my last post how I said Chemistry is the death of me? Well the rant for that begins 3,2,1...

Ok so my Chemistry teacher is this squishy, greyed, cat sweater wearing old lady named Doctor Feldhaus... A name like that is meant to give you shivers. The woman is senile I swear. "Oh did I give you that worksheet? my bad, I meant to give that to the Chemistry II class." She does this almost weekly. She believes everyone is a chemistry prodigy, just picking up on chemistry as if we were born with the knowledge to find an empirical formula with no explanation. She gave us this test on friday that everyone bombed. (that is of course excluding the few geniuses in the class). I FAILED IT. Now if you know me, you know Haley just does NOT fail things. But I got my paper in disbelief, staring blankly at the grade not comprehending the situation. My brain tried to reject the obviously impossible thing that was happening. My first grade for the 9 weeks in that class. An F. That combined with my not so hot grade I feel I got on my Spanish quiz sent me on a downward spiral. I was in a daze until the bell rang for lunch. Then to make my day even better, Coach Hannah insisted I was not signed up for lunch, which was a lie, cause I never skip Fried Chicken Day. Ever. So I walk into my Mom's classroom and just start unloading my grief on her. I didn't even care there were a couple of her students in the room when I had this mini-meltdown. She then proceeded to give me a comforting hug, get my lunch and deliver it to me. I ate everything on my plate. Even the stuff I didn't like. It was an "eat your feelings" kind of lunch. After 6th hour I went to cheer, got kicked in the head a few times, got a cut from a fingernail on my face and then went home to vent about my day. Thank goodness for this blog. I also would like to apologize for my long depressing rant... But my day wasn't completely grey. My friend gave me a Delta Sky magazine with Taylor Swift on it, I turned in my HOBY essay(one of the finest works I've ever done might I add) and tonight we celebrate Jim's 53 birthday at Popeyes! I also applaud any of my readers that went and voted for Romney. I would have if it were legal for me to. And lastly the best part of my day was that all my friends gave me a nice big hug to cheer me up because they knew I was sad. That is possibly the best thing they could have done for me besides make me a chocolate pie.


  1. I'm sorry about your bad day!!! I want to give you a hug and a chocolate pie! Can't wait to see you!
